Happy New Yea 2011^^

Alright! this would be the first post of the year and is gonna be on the 2nd day of new year. Alright, a summary of year 2o1o. Let’s see what I had completed:

-Did lots of school camps. As per usual.

-Part of April Orientation Organizing committee.

-MP Life(: Awesome much.

-In Love but didn’t work out:\

-Drank till I puke for the very first time.Sucks ttm.

-Change my lifestyle for a bit. Start gigging^^

– Got into L.I.F.E where I meet lots of wonderful people^^


Erm probably thats what I had thought of so far for the time being. Last year’s resolution was to be healthy and all. Alright barely make it cause the last few days of my 2010 I went for an minor eye surgery. Rest was great^^ This year started. New year always bring new hope. However, is kinda weird for me this year. NSmen would be part of my life soon. real soon. a lot of things that I would like to experience I hadn’t had a chance yet!

I would really wish to travel to the mecca of kpop. South Korea. Before I go to the island of green men. I would really wish, no more hidings and such, get a girlfriend. Second wish seems to be even tougher than the first one. Serious. Announcing such news on your own,on your own blog, is really weird and sounds super desperate. Well. Kinda. I do feel I’, loosing the self-confidence in me day by day:\ oh well. Maybe I haven’t met the one I really like yet? Who knows?

Alright~ My new year wishes shall be combined into one new year resolution(:

Stay positive,happy and be myself.Everything would be in place no matter what.

Thought of your new resolutions already Readers? If not, what you waiting for! January would be ending with a blink of an eye! THINK THINK THINK!




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